Thursday, 16 May 2013

Couldn't upload bats in flight video so had to use snapshots from it instead.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Lake at Kandy. The sitting Buddha is white thing you see on the hill just to the right of the middle in middle picture! You can walk up to it if you feel you must

For all railway afficianados

There's even a red telephone box at this station,

 Jungle and paddy fields en route to Kandy, Sri Lanka

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

I knew I'd get on, you can't see me, the lady up there will pass my fare on, while the man makes sure the door is closed, don't want to fall out after all that...
Pongala aftermath, Trivandrum....I'm tired, I want to go home and I am going to get on this bus if it kills me.